The mathesis of myths.... a blueprint of our morals and inner states into society.... nothing has changed, murder and mayhem is still inside and outside of us... addressing these ancient sub currents inside of us, using ambivalence, unclairity, the esoteric, the so called symbolic, camouflaging under a layer of...
Eating a hole in the dense perfection of the world... an everyday moment of our existence... a stroke on the back... the never fulfilled part of a plan ... written to fizzle... the straight trajectories.... towards the linear horizons... that finishing line that will finish us off....
Gash! to the auto telic nomad...wide open... The end is a curve...not loosing its middle...our hands in glass...but roaming the edges of a drive that wont let go...selfless we draw power raw as meat facing eyes on your back...breaking innerness... gaining access...
Conclusio...Falling backwards into a night that knows no morning...A walk on empty paths... The hollow heavens, buzzing, with automata angels, the hallelujah drones... In a backyard, a pile of blue doors are burning, the ones that are used by lovers in dreams...The shell is ready now...