Music in still parts
. . for ensemble and computer

"We have also sound-houses, where we practise and demonstrate all sounds and their generation. We have harmony which you have not, of quarter-sounds and lesser slides of sounds. Divers instruments of music likewise to you unknown, some sweeter than any you have; with bells and rings that are dainty and sweet... "
    - Sir Francis Bacon, "The New Atlantis" 1626.

The music in Music in still parts takes minimal steps towards a language that goes from pure sound to gracefully distorted similar sounds which are then orchestrated on a pair with the ensemble. It extends the sense of colour within the ensemble while the piece develops these 'start/stop' musical instructions. These instructions are what I refer to as Still Parts; parts which are made up of instructions to the musicians who only move to the next instruction when a general cue commands them to do so. Each instruction can be sustained indefinitely prolonging the piece as it seems fit to the ensemble in the moment of performing.

Music in still parts was commissioned by Ensemble Integrales (DE) and the Nederlands Fonds Voor Podiumkunsten (NL).

Ensemble Integrales - Utopia  Opera Stabile - Hamburg - DE
Dec 12th 2009
Ensemble Integrales