. . Music for cello and electronics

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The Ninevolt duo is an instrumental song-set between cellist Jan Willem Troost and composer/electronic performer Henry Vega where the duo lovingly searches for new sonorities based on tradition and futurist explorations. Their new album is a spectrum that pieces together their works in dance, film and live performance demonstrating a phenomenal passion for new musical ideas and sounds.

The music often starts from a single note, developing and expanding into electronic orchestrations and clouds of harmonies while the cello dives in and out with obsessive melodies and gritty timbres.

This minimal ode breaks new ground in modern music for its dance like rhythms for which Vega is known for: A passion for unique orchestrations, a real hope for the future and a desire to set new trends in music and art.

As a duo, Ninevolt is new, although it already has a substantial and sweet history. Their musical output has been commissioned by the Prague Chamber Ballet as well as the Oslo Munch Museum for the short film ‘Reclaiming Vision’.

1 The Asexual Kingdoms
2 Nine Volt Motion
3 Speculative Renaissance 1 : Simple Beast
4 Speculative Renaissance 2 : The Violence of Looks
5 On Slowness
6 Victoria Viktoria (from the opera "Secretly")

Ninevolt Release Concert  Studio Loos - The Hague - NL
Nov 9th 2019
Jan Willem Troost & Henry Vega